Grapefruit, 2011-2023
Grapefruit was a mental health app focused on journalling, mood tracking, emotion tracking and trend analysis.
It looked like this:

A Brief History
It started as a project called Illuum, which I released on the Chrome Web Store back in 2011. Remember when the Chrome Web Store had more than just extensions? No? Me either but it happened. It was a place for web apps. Illuum started as a web app based on the self-care tools I was using at the time. Over the years, it morphed into Grapefruit and was released for iOS, Android, Windows, Mac and was part of Setapp.
After twelve-ish years and hundreds of thousands of downloads, it became too hard/expensive to compete in an ever-crowded marketplace of well-funded mental health tools. In 2023, I made the tough decision to shut it down to focus on new things.
No new versions of the app will be released after 2023.
The syncing servers were turned off in January 2024. All user accounts and data has been permanently deleted from the servers.
If you downloaded the app, you can still re-download it any time from the purchases tab of whatever app store you used. It can be used offline on a single device until it (eventually) breaks because it's not compatible with some future OS version. Hard to say when that will be.
If you have any questions, you can email info🐘 – just remove the elephant first.