Fixing dating apps with a single feature change
Dating apps are frustrating because the incentives are all wrong. Can we fix that?
Watch What I Watch
It starts as a list of all the stuff I watch. It ends in a way yet unwritten.
What Why Steps is ready for beta testers!
What Why Steps is the hip new todo and task management tool that literally everyone is talking about.
Bespoke, Personal, 30-Minute Apps
What's the fastest way to create a custom app for yourself? Would it be possible to create most of the apps on your phone?
A new social network idea: Tiny New Circles
A new kind of social network designed to make new friends. 'Cause 'social networks' never really nailed the social part.
I'm looking for bad ideas for tiny websites and/or apps
It's time to build stuff. I've been poking at no-code / low-code tools and need some ideas to prototype. Got any of dem?
A Novel Completed
The results of a successful NaNoWriMo 2023. Did I finish it? Well, yes, because I just called it successful.
A Novel Pivot
Starting a company is like writing a novel: they're both things people do sometimes.
Simplify, and add UX
Whenever I wade into a new idea and start digging around I'm absolutely astonished by how many startups
Ad Money Is Going To The Wrong People
We watch ads but the money goes to the people who create the content around the ads. Can some of that money be directed to us?